Contact Information:
South Eastern Dollars for Scholars
377 Main Street
Fawn Grove, PA 17321
Phone: 717-382-4843
Hogan Strickland, President
Bryan Ebaugh, Vice President
Denise Maxwell, Recording Secretary
Janice Bowman, Treasurer
Thank you for visiting our website. If you would like to support this worthwhile program, please consider by helping:
2. Sponsoring a scholarship either as an individual, group, organizaiton, or business.
3. Contributing to the South Eastern Dollars for Scholars Endowment Fund. This is a permanent resource to ensure the stability of the organization.
4. You may also consider leaving a legacy through your planned giving. Kevin Smith shares his story on how South Eastern Dollars for Scholars and the small community of Fawn Grove impacted his life, and how he plans to give back. Two minutes can change the life of a young person:
5. Sharing your time and talents by becoming a chapter member or participating in fundraising events. Check out the Volunteers Tab by clicking here