"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
- Margaret Mead
Volunteering Your Time and Talents
South Eastern Dollars for Scholars (SEDFS) is always looking for dedicated volunteers!
If you are interested in joining one of our committees,helping with our specific fundraising events, brainstorming new ways in which we can help our graduating seniors, give us a call, mail us a letter, send us an email, tap one of us on the shoulder to let us know you have an idea, some time, some energy to help make educational dreams come true!
Check out our Organizational Chart by clicking here. This chart will show you all of the committees and positions within SEDFS. Perhaps one of the areas will peak your interest!
Thank you!
Email us at contact@sedollarsforscholars.org
Students: Log in here to create or update your student profile to begin your application. The link will take you to the Students & Parent section where you can see a list of available scholarships and tips on completing your student profile. There are over 50 scholarships available to which you have a chance to match.